Displays the Sum and Difference of the Squares of Two Numbers

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
float num1,num2;
float sum,difference;
printf(“This program displays the sum and difference of the squares of two numbers.\n”);
printf(“Enter first number:\n”);
printf(“Enter second number:\n”);
printf(“Your numbers are %.2f and %.2f.\n”,num1,num2);
sum = (num1*num1)+(num2*num2);
difference = (num1*num1)-(num2*num2);
printf(“The sum is %.2f and the difference is %.2f.\n”,sum,difference);
return 0;

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){float num1,num2;float sum,difference;clrscr();
printf(“This program displays the sum and difference of the squares of two numbers.\n”);printf(“Enter first number:\n”);scanf(“%f”,&num1);printf(“Enter second number:\n”);scanf(“%f”,&num2);printf(“Your numbers are %.2f and %.2f.\n”,num1,num2);
sum = (num1*num1)+(num2*num2);difference = (num1*num1)-(num2*num2);
printf(“The sum is %.2f and the difference is %.2f.\n”,sum,difference);
getch();return 0;}


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